
A Message From Our CEO

The events occurring in the U.S. banking system in the last few days were undoubtedly unexpected news. Banking is based on trust, and your trust is a responsibility I and all Picatinny Federal Credit Union employees strive to earn every day. Today, I assure you that Picatinny remains a stable and strong financial institution. We were chartered in 1939, 84 years ago, and expect to serve this community for generations to come.

As a strong community credit union, we hold and lend deposits locally. Picatinny Federal Credit Union continues to be well-capitalized and has a diversified member base and an appropriate investment portfolio. Our member base remains solid and stable, with over 18,500 members.

You can be confident in your decision to bank with Picatinny Federal Credit Union. Visit or call your local branch office. Our team is here to answer any questions regarding the latest news or discuss your banking needs.

Thank you for choosing Picatinny Federal Credit Union as your banking partner.

Tony Molina

President & CEO

Picatinny Federal Credit Union
